Sunday, March 16, 2014

So the challenge begins...

Greg and I have always had awesome dates! We used to be so creative and had a ton of fun. Then, it happened...we had kids!! Time seemed to slip away from us, all of our time was spent taking care of the kids, talking about the kids, planning for the kids, the kids, the kids, the kids!!!! What happened to us?!?! I was starting to feel like I wasn't getting enough time with Greg and that our marriage was starting to lose that initial spark that brought us together in the first place. We needed to take some time to date each other and to remember why we fell in love and why we enjoy each others company so much.

At our church they promote married couples to set aside some time at least once a week to have a date night. (By the way our church is awesome, you can check it out here, We have decided to take on that challenge. I did not want to do just the normal dinner and a movie thing every weekend though (that will get old really fast), so we created a date jar. I'm sure many of you have seen it on Pinterest. It's a jar with lots of date ideas so you don't have to waste a lot of time coming up with an idea.

Well, I set to work on our date jar, and before I knew it I had over 100 different ideas for dates. Some are low key, and some take more planning. Some are free, some require a little bit of spending, and a few are more on the expensive side (for those few times we can splurge).

As I was creating my jar of dates I started to wonder, how many other people out there are stuck in the routine of dinner and a movie for every date night? So, for those of you who would like to start dating your spouse every week, or if you are looking for some other ideas  for dates, I wanted to post our journey of dates as we take the ultimate dating challenge of going on a date night EVERY WEEK!

How it works is we pick one date out of the jar for a few weeks in advance (that way if we need a bit of time to plan we can). We choose a day each week and BAM, date night is locked in. I'm so excited to do this, and Greg is excited to see what date ideas come out of the jar. I look forward to your comments and other date ideas I can add to our jar!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I am excited to follow along on your journey and hopefully create a journey of my own soon! ;)
